Extreme Digital

10+% extra online revenue through Yuspify

Launched in 2001, the electronics store chain Extreme Digital has grown over the years to become the largest online store in Hungary based on sales data. Today, more than 100,000 daily visitors and with an annual turnover of HUF 365 billion, it's at the forefront of the Hungarian e-commerce market.

The project

In addition to placing more than 20 types of recommendation boxes across it’s website, Extreme Digital also leveraged the predictive search solution. Thus the introduction of Yuspify created sustainable revenue growth for the firm.


With physical and online stores operating in multiple countries and languages, Extreme Digital wanted to personalize the online and offline shopping experience consistently.


With Yuspify, shoppers received personalized product recommendations through the online channels - on the website, in search, and via newsletters, - or even from sales assistants when purchasing items in the the physical stores.


Introducing multiple Yuspify products was a success for Extreme Digital. Yuspify generated more than 10 percent of the online revenues.