
Search results

Our search box is accessible everywhere in your store. It provides relevant product and keyword recommendations to your visitors, assisting them to find what they are looking for in a matter of seconds.


Advanced search algorithms

By analyzing users’ search habits, our algorithms predict the interest of every given user based on word fragments of entered search terms.


Keyword history

The predictive search suggests relevant keywords based on previous searches, even before the visitor types the first character.


Automated correction

Our search engine will correct the users' typos or spelling mistakes so they can find the products they’re looking for without a hitch.

Optimized search interface

Our search box has been designed following industry best practices for every device

Positive impact

Predective search improves user experience. As a result of its use - combined with our recommendation boxes - your customers spend more at your online store and come back more often.

Improved navigation

Your customers know what they want. If they can’t find the right products in your store, they’ll look elsewhere, in another webshop. Our search engine ensures that visitors stay on your site by helping them finding the products they’re looking for quickly and efficiently and discover other relevant offers as well.

Search analytics

Understand your customer’s search habits to improve performance with the help of our analytics: most popular keywords, keywords without results, and further keyword stats.

Join our pool of beta-tester clients!

If you want to experience free of charge what our personalized search can do, apply to the pool of beta-tester clients! 

Fill in the data if your monthly page views are over 150,000 and our team will contact you.